
The cactus family Adward F. Anderson

The cactus family Adward F. Anderson

Plantsare described alphabetically in 'the Cactus Family, an arrangement 1 hope will make the book a handy reference. Many of the cacti mentioned in Chapters 1-5 arc illustrated beginning on page 105- in addition to the illustrations in Chapters 1-5 themselves. Indexes of scientific and common names have been provided lo facilitate access to the informalion presented here. The relationships of cacti are discussed in Chapter 5. The distinctive morphology of cacti, described in Chapter 1, makes il impossible to avoid using technical terms when describing cacti so a Glossary is included.

В справочнике приведена иныормация по современной систематике кактусов. Описания видов перечислены в алфовитном порядке и содержат наиболее значимые признаки позволяющие отнести кактус к определенному виду.


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